Fox-Pitt, William

William Augustus Fitzgerald Lane Fox-Pitt
Given Name:
Jméno v originále:
Original Name:
William Augustus Fitzgerald Lane Fox-Pitt
Fotografie či obrázek:
Photograph or Picture:
generálmajorMajor General
Akademický či vědecký titul:
Academic or Scientific Title:
Šlechtický titul:
Hereditary Title:
Datum, místo narození:
Date and Place of Birth:
28.01.1896 Londýn / 28.01.1896 London /
Datum, místo úmrtí:
Date and Place of Decease:
28.04.1988 Caundle Marsh 28.04.1988 Caundle Marsh
Nejvýznamnější funkce:
(maximálně tři)
Most Important Appointments:
(up to three)
- velitel: 5. gardové obrněné brigády- Commander: 5th Guards Armoured Brigade
Jiné významné skutečnosti:
(maximálně tři)
Other Notable Facts:
(up to three)
Související články:
Related Articles:
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Given Name:
Jméno v originále:
Original Name:
William Augustus Fitzgerald Lane Fox-Pitt
Všeobecné vzdělání:
General Education:
DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.1914 Charterhouse School DD.MM.RRRR-DD.MM.1914 Charterhouse School
Vojenské vzdělání:
Military Education:
Důstojnické hodnosti:
Officer Ranks:
11.09.1914 druhý poručík
10.11.1917 kapitán (zastupující)
01.10.1934 podplukovník
26.01.1938 plukovník (čestný)
01.08.1938 plukovník
04.12.1939 brigadýr (dočasný)
15.05.1943 generálmajor (zastupující)
30.11.1943 plukovník
21.12.1943 brigadýr (dočasný)
24.07.1945 plukovník
28.10.1947 generálmajor
11.09.1914 Second Lieutenant
10.11.1917 Captain (Acting)
01.10.1934 Lieutenant Colonel
26.01.1938 Colonel (Brevet)
01.08.1938 Colonel
04.12.1939 Brigadier (Temporary)
15.05.1943 Major General (Acting)
30.11.1943 Colonel
21.12.1943 Brigadier (Temporary)
24.07.1945 Colonel
28.10.1947 Major General
Průběh vojenské služby:
Military Career:
- čestný plukovník so spetnou platnosťou k 26.01.1937
- plukovník so spetnou platnosťou k 26.01.1937

- služobné číslo: 9184
- Brevet Colonel backdated to 26.01.1937
- Colonel backdated to 26.01.1937

- service number: 9184
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Major General William Augustus Fitzgerald Lane Fox-Pitt was born at London on 28th January 1896 as a son of W. A. Fox-Pitt who was Lt. Col. of the Grenadier Guards.

Fox-Pitt received his first education at Charterhouse School, and after school graduation he joined the army. He received his first commission in 1914 as Second Lieutenant (The Gazette, 28899) of the 3rd Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment (The Gazette, 29053). With this unit he sailed to France and the following year he is transferred to the newly formed Welsh Guards.

Commanding a company at Ginchy on the river Somme in 1916, he received Military Cross for the gallantry he demonstrated as a company commander with which he successfully held positions 24 hours under heavy shelling and caused heavy losses to the enemy (The Gazette, 13012). During WWI he was twice wounded (1915, 1918).

After end of the war, he remained with the Welsh Regiment. As a Lieutenant Colonel he commanded its 1st Battalion (Generals) from October 1934 till the summer of 1938, and since then commanded the entire regiment as well as the belonging regimental district. Representing Welsh Guards he attended the funeral of HRM the King George V (The Gazette, 34279).

After the outbreak of WWII, in 1939, he became a acting Brigadier and Commanding Officer of the South London Sub-Area. In May of the following year he was given command of the 20th Independent Brigade in France. With tis brigade he participates at combat actions and defends Boulogne for two days before is whole brigade evacuated. For his actions during those days is awarded with the DSO (The Gazette), and is also mentioned in despatches in April 1941 (The Gazette, 35146). He commands 20th Brigade till September 1941 when he becomes the Commanding Officer (CO) of the 5th Guards Armoured Brigade (Generals).

In 1943, he becomes acting Major General (The Gazette, 36050) and the district commander for the East Kent District. But next year in January 1944 he is assigned to Africa, to take command of the 27th North Rhodesian Brigade, which in those days operates in Madagascar and subsequently in East Africa region. In April 1945 is this unit renamed to 7th East African Brigade and Fox-Pitt shortly after that leaved command because was assigned to new duties at Britain. From October 1945 he became be Aide-de Camp to the HRM the King George VI (The Gazette, 37297).

At the same time as Aide office he is Commanding Officer of the 203rd British Sub-Area in France which command he held until 1947, when it ends active service (Generals).

He retired on 23.02.1954 (The Gazette, 40106).

He is appointed as a Deputy Lieutenant (DL) for Dorset at 1957 (The Gazette, 40994) and dies in this district at Caundle Marsh in 1988.

Generals, Fox-Pitt, William Augustus Fitzgerald Lane [online] [accessed 14 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 11 September 1914, p. 7226 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 26 January 1915, p. 919 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 16 November 1916, p. 2077 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 29 April 1936, p. 2271 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 25 April 1941, p. 2423 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 8 June 1943, p. 2669 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 5 October 1945, p. 4935 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 23 February 1954, p. 1147 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 5 February 1957, p. 815 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
Wikipedia, William Fox-Pitt (British Army officer), [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
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Generálmajor William Augustus Fitzgerald Lane Fox-Pitt sa narodil 28.01.1896 v Lodnýne, ako syn podplukovníka Granátnického gardového pluku W. A. Fox-Pitta.

Svoje vzdelanie získáva na Charterhouse škole a po ukončení tejto inštitúcie vstupuje po vzore otca do armády. V 1914 získava svoje prvé zaradenie ako druhý poručík (The Gazette, 28899) 3. praporu Cheshirského pluku (3rd Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment) (The Gazette, 29053). Následne sa spolu so svojim praporom vydáva do Francie na bojové polia prvej svetovej vojny a nasledovného roku je prevelený ku novosformovanému Velšskému gardovému pluku (Welsh Guards).

Veliac rote u Ginchy na Some, v 1916 získáva vojenský kríž za chrabrosť ktorú preukázal veliac rote s ktoru úspešne držal pozície 24 hodín pod ťažkým nepriatelským ostrelovaním a okrem toho spôsobil nepriatelovi ťažké straty (The Gazette, 13012). Počas vojny je dva krát zranený.

Po skončení konfliktu zostáva u Velšského pluku a ako podplukovník od októbra 1934 do leta 1938 velí jeho 1. praporu (Generals), toho istého roku dostáva velenie celého pluku a aj jemu prináležiacemu plukovného okresu. V roku 1936 sa účastní na pohrebe monarchu George V reprezentujúc svoju vojenskú jednotku (The Gazette, 34279).

Po vypuknutí druhej svetovej vojny, konkrétne v decembri 1939 sa stáva zastupujúcim brigadierom a velí Juholondýnskej oblasti (South London Sub-Area) a to až do nasledujúceho mája, kedy je mu zverené velenie 20. samostanej brigády (20th Independent Brigade) vo Francii. S brigádou sa podiela na bojových akciách a dva dni bráni Boulogne aby následne bol s jednotkou evakuovaný. Brigáde velí až do septembra 1941, kedy sa stáva veliacim dôstojníkom 5. gardovej obrnenej brigády (5th Guards Armoured Brigade) (Generals). Za svoje počínanie počas obrany Boulogne je mu udelený DSO (The Gazette), rovnako je na jar 1941 zmienený v rozkaze (The Gazette, 35146).

V 1943 sa stáva zastupujúcim generálmajorom (The Gazette, 36050) a je menovaný okresným velitelom pre Výchdokentský okres (East Kent District).

V januári 1944 je odvelený do Afriky aby sa tu ujal velenia 27. sverorodézskej brigády (27th North Rhodesian Brigade) ktorá pôsobí najprv na Madagaskare a následne vo východnej Afrike. Jednotka je v apríly 1945 premenovaná na 27. východoafrická brigáda (27th East African Brigade), zakrátko na to, ju ako veliaci dôstojník opúšťa, aby sa od októbra 1945 ujal pozície ako polný adjutant krála George VI (The Gazette, 37297).

Súbežne s touto funkciou velí aj 203. britskej oblasti (203rd British Sub-Area) vo Francii a to až do 1947 kedy ukončuje aktívnu službu (Generals).

Do výslužby odchádza 23.02.1954 (The Gazette, 40106).

V 1957 je ustanovený ako zástupca poručíka (Deputy Lieutenant) za Dorset (The Gazette, 40994). V tomto okrese, v Caundle Marsh roku 1988 umiera.

Generals, Fox-Pitt, William Augustus Fitzgerald Lane [online] [accessed 14 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 11 September 1914, p. 7226 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 26 January 1915, p. 919 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 16 November 1916, p. 2077 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 29 April 1936, p. 2271 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 25 April 1941, p. 2423 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 8 June 1943, p. 2669 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 5 October 1945, p. 4935 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 23 February 1954, p. 1147 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
The London Gazette (Supplement), 5 February 1957, p. 815 [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
Wikipedia, William Fox-Pitt (British Army officer), [online] [Accessed 15 March 2024]
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