
Autor: Jana Krechlerová / jana 🕔︎︎ 👁︎ 29.030


Albánie :
Anti - Communist Military Council

Belgie :
Julien Lahaut Brigade, Revenge and Freedom

Francie :
6th March Movement

A : Action Directe - AD, Action for the Rebirth of Corsika - ARC, Action Front for the Liberation of the Baltic Countriec, Andreas Baader Commando, Armet Nuclei of Popular Autonomy - NAPAP, Association of Corsican Patriots - APC, Autonomous Intervention Collective Against the Zionist Presence in France, Avengers .

B : Basque Justice - EZ, Breton Fight - AB, Breton Nationalist Movement - MRNB, Breton Liberation Front - FLB,

C : Committee for Socialist Revolutionary Unity, Committee of Coordition, Communist Youth Movement, Marxist - Leninist - UJC - ML, Corsican Revolutionary Action - ARC, Corsican Teasant Front for Liberation - FPLC

D : Delta

E : Enbata Galerne, European Nationalist Facses - FNE

F : Faire Front - Confrontation, Federation for European National Action - FANE, French NAtional liberation Front - FNLP, French Revolutionary Brigades - BTF 

G : Group of the Defense of Europa

H : High School Action Committee - CAL, Hordage ( Je Tiens )

CH : CHarles Martel Club

I : International Solidarity, Internationale Revolutionary Solidary, Iparretarrek - Those from the North

J : Jewish Self - Defence Front

M : Masada Action and Defence Movement, Movement of the Youthward Brothers in War of the Palestinian People

N : New Action Front Against the Idependence and Autonomy of Corsica - FRANCIA

O : Ordre  Nouveau

R : Red Army Fraction of Southern France, Revolutionary Communist Youth - JCR

S : Secret Army Organization - OAS, Solidarity Resistance Group

T : Talion Law, Twenty Second March Movement

W : We Must Do Something

Y :Youth Action Group

Itálie :
A : Armed Communist Formations, Armed Proletarian Nuclei - NAP, Armed Revolutionary Nuclei - NAR, Autonomous Worker´s Movement

B : Brigade Rosse - BR

C : Combatants for Communism

L : Lotta Continua

M : Mussolini Action Squads - SAM

O : October XXII Circle, Ordine Nero - ON , Ordine Nuovo - ON

P : Partisan Action Groups - GAP, Prime Linea - PL, Proletarian Committee of Subversion for Better Justice, Proletarian Internationalism, Proletarian Squad

R : Red Guerilla, Revolutionary Action Group, Revolutionary Action Movement - MAR, Revolutionary Fascist Nuclei - NFR

W : Workers´ Vanguard


Jugoslávie :
B : Borci za Slobodnu Hrvatsku

C : Cominformists, Croatian Inteliigence Service,Croatian National Liberation Force - Fighters for Free Croatia

D : Drina

F : Freedom for the Serbian Fatherland - SOPO

H : Hrvatska llegalna Revolucionarna Organizacija - HIRO, Hrvatska Mladez, Hrvatsky Narodni Otpor - HNO, Hrvatski Oslobodilački Pokret - HOP, Hrvatsko Narodno Vijence - HNV, Hrvatsko Revolucionarno Bratstvo - HRB

K : Krizari

S : Svetska Liga Hrvatske Omladine - SLHO

T : Trotskyist Organization

U : Ujedinjeni Hrvati Njemačke - UHNJ, Ustaša Hrvatska Revolucionarna Organizacija - UHRO

Y : Young Croatian Army for Freedom, Young Croatian Republican Army

Kypr :
E : Ethniki Organosis Kyprion Agoniston - EOKA, Ethniki Organosis Kyprion Agoniston - B/ EOKA - B, Ethniky Parataxis

Nizozemsko :
F : Free South Moluccan Youth Organization - VZJ

R : Red Brigades, Red Resistance Front - RVF, Revolutionary Peoples Resistance of the Netherlands, Rode Hulp - RH, Rode Jeugd - RJ

Portugalsko :
A : Action Group for Communism, Armed Revolutionary Action - ARA

F : Front for Liberation of of the Madeira - FLAMA, Front for Liberation of fhe Azores - FLA

Rakousko :
J : Justice Guerilla

Řecko :
A : 4 Avgoustou, Aftonomos Antistasi

E : Epanastatiki Organosi 17 Noemvri, Epanastatiki Organosi 80 Oktvri, Epanastatikos Laikos Agonas - ELA, Epanastatikos Pyreneas, Ethnikos SYndesmos Ellion Monimon Axiomatikon - ESEMA

G : Galazios Toxotis

O : Organismos Ethnikis Anorthosoos - OEA

Spolková republika Německo :
G : German Action Groups - DA, German Empire Party - DRP, German Socialist Student Association - SDS, Guerrilla Diffusa - GD

H : Holger Meins Kommando

N : National Socialist Common Action Group - ANS

P : People´s Socialist Movement of Germany - Workers´Party - VSBD -  PdA

R : Revolutionaree Zellen, Rote Zora - RZ, Rote Armee Fraktion, Rote Hilfe

S : Second of June Movement, Schwarze Hilfe, Schwarze Zellen, Socialist Empire Party - SRP, Socialist Patients´Collective - SPK

T : Tilorel Schutzbund W : Wehrsportgruppe Hoffman


Španělsko :
A : Accion Nacional Espanola - ANE, Alianza Apostolica Anti - comunista - AAA, Antiterrorismo ETA - ATE, Autonomos Anti - Capitalistas Commndos - CAA

B : Batallon Vasco Espanol - BVE

E : Euskadi ta Askatasuna - ETA

F : Frente Patriotico Maroqui - FPM, Frente Revolucionaro Antifascista y Patriotico - FRAP, Front d´Alliberament Catala - FAC, Fuerza Nueva - FN

G : Grupo de Resistencia Antifascista de Primero de Octubre - GRAPO, Grupos de Accion Revolutionaria Internacionalista - GARI, Guerrilleros de Cristo Rey

M : Movimiento para la Autodeterminacion e Indenpendencia del Archipielago de las Canarias - MPAIAC

O : Organizatcio LIuita Armada - OLLa

T : Terra LIure - TL

Velká Británie / Irsko
A : Angry Brigade, Anti - Nazi League

B : BLack Liberation Army, British Movement

C : Cadwyr cympru - CC

F : First of May Group, Free Wales Army - MAC

I : International Marxist Group - IMG, Irish Freedom Fighters, Irish National Liberation Army - INLA, Irish Republican Army - IRA, Irish Republican Socialist Party - IRPS

L : Loyal Citizenc of Ulster - LCU,Loylaist  Association of Workers - LAW

N : National Front - NF, National Party - NP

P : People´s Democraci - PD, Protestant Action Force - PAF, Provisional Irish Republican Army - PIRA

R : Radical Student Alliance - RSA, Red Flag 74, Red Hand Commandos

S : Shankhill Defence Asociation - SDA, Sinn Fein, Socialist Worker´s Party - SWP

T : Tatrtan Army, Troops Out Movement - TOM

U : Ulster Defense Association - UDA, Ulster Freedom Fighters - UFF, Ulster Protestant Volunteer Forse - UVF, Ulster Worker´s Council - UWC

W : Worker´s Revolutionary Party - WRP

Y : Yuong Mikitants  

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