03.05.2011 - Zástupci Fatahu a Hamasu se sešli v Káhiře k podpisu dohody o usmíření

Představitelé dvou nejsilnějších palestinských frakcí Fatah a Hamas se sešli v Káhiře k podpisu smlouvy o národním usmíření (Palestinian National Reconciliation Agreement). Ta by měla formálně ukončit čtyři roky vzájemných násilností mezi oběma frakcemi a během jednoho roku umožnit volby.

Uzavření dohody již přivítal bývalý americký prezident Jimmy Carter, podle nějž palestinské sjednocení může pomoci mírovému procesu. Naopak představitel Hamasu Mahmoud Zahar v rozhovoru pro televizní stanici Al-Džazíra zopakoval, že Hamas nikdy neuzná Izrael:

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Speaking to Al Jazeera, Zahar said that Palestinians will not give up on their right to Palestine, while recognizing the rule of Poles and Ethiopians in their land.

URL : https://www.valka.cz/03-05-2011-Zastupci-Fatahu-a-Hamasu-se-sesli-v-Kahire-k-podpisu-dohody-o-usmireni-t114851#399696 Verze : 0
Předpokládaný text dohody:

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Text of the Agreement between Fatah and Hamas
3 May 2011
Translated by Al Mubadara, the Palestinian National Initiative, this document is currently in the process of being signed by all of Palestine’s factions and parties.

Under the auspices of Egypt, delegations from the Fatah and Hamas movements met in Cairo on April 27, 2011 to discuss the issues concerning ending the political division and the achievement of national unity. On top of the issues were some reservations related to the Palestinian National Unity Accord made in 2009.

Both political parties mutually agreed that the basis of understanding made during the meeting are committing to both parties in the implementation of the Palestinian National Reconciliation Agreement. The basis of understanding agreed upon by Fatah and Hamas are as follows:
1. Elections

A. Election Committee:

Both Fatah and Hamas agree to identify the names of the members of the Central Election Commission in agreement with the Palestinian factions. This list will then be submitted to the Palestinian President who will issue a decree of the reformation of the committee.

B. Electoral Court:

Both Fatah and Hamas agree on the nomination of no more than twelve judges to be members of the Electoral Court. This list will then be submitted to the Palestinian President in order to take the necessary legal actions to form the Electoral Court in agreement with the Palestinian factions.

C. Timing of Elections:

The Legislative, Presidential, and the Palestinian National Council elections will be conducted at the same time exactly one year after the signing of the Palestinian National Reconciliation Agreement.
2. Palestine Liberation Organization

The political parties of both Fatah and Hamas agree that the tasks and decisions of the provisional interim leadership cannot be hindered or obstructed, but in a manner that is not conflicting with the authorities of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
3. Security

It was emphasized that the formation of the Higher Security Committee which will be formed by a decree of the Palestinian President and will consist of professional officers in consensus. 4.Government

A. Formation of the Government:

Both Fatah and Hamas agree to form a Palestinian government and to appoint the Prime Minister and Ministers in consensus between them.

B. Functions of the Government:

1. Preparation of necessary condition for the conduction of Presidential, Legislative and the Palestinian National Council elections. 2. Supervising and addressing the prevalent issues regarding the internal Palestinian reconciliation resulting from the state of division. 3. Follow-up of the reconstruction operations in the Gaza Strip and the efforts to end the siege and blockade that is imposed on it. 4. Continuation of the implementation of the provisions of the Palestinian National Accord. 5. To resolve the civil and administrative problems that resulted from the division. 6. Unification of the Palestinian National Authority institutions in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem. 7. To fix the status of the associations, Non-Governmental Organizations and charities. 5. Legislative Council:

Both Fatah and Hamas agree to reactivate the Palestinian Legislative Council in accordance to the Basic Law.

URL : https://www.valka.cz/03-05-2011-Zastupci-Fatahu-a-Hamasu-se-sesli-v-Kahire-k-podpisu-dohody-o-usmireni-t114851#399697 Verze : 0
Jak uvedla agentura Reuters, ceremoniál je zpožděn kvůli neshodě nad protokolem, kdy těsně před zahájením došlo k rozporu, zda vůdce Hamasu Khaled Mashaal má sedět na pódiu společně s palestinským prezidentem Mahmoudem Abbasem nebo mezi ostatními palestinskými delegáty v sále.

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But the ceremony was delayed by a disagreement over protocol shortly before it began over whether Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal should sit on the podium with President Mahmoud Abbas or down among other Palestinian delegates in the hall.

URL : https://www.valka.cz/03-05-2011-Zastupci-Fatahu-a-Hamasu-se-sesli-v-Kahire-k-podpisu-dohody-o-usmireni-t114851#399699 Verze : 0
Smlouva byla nakonec zdárně podepsána. Egypt se snažil palestinské frakce usmířit déle než rok, ale nový impuls vtiskly jednání až nepokoje na Blízkém východě. Současnou dohodu totiž umožnilo až odstoupení egyptského vládce Husního Mubaraka, který proti Hamasu postupoval tvrdě, jelikož se obával šíření jeho vlivu do své země.

03.05.2011 - Zástupci Fatahu a Hamasu se sešli v Káhiře k podpisu dohody o usmíření - Akteři slavnostního podpisu Abbas (Fatah, vlevo) a Mashaal (Hamas).


Akteři slavnostního podpisu Abbas (Fatah, vlevo) a Mashaal (Hamas).


URL : https://www.valka.cz/03-05-2011-Zastupci-Fatahu-a-Hamasu-se-sesli-v-Kahire-k-podpisu-dohody-o-usmireni-t114851#399799 Verze : 0
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