Bengalská presidencie [1765-1947]

Bengal Presidency
Bengalská presidencie Bengal Presidency
Originální název:
Original Name:
Bengal Presidency
1652-1858 Rule of HEIC
1858–1947 British Raj
Nižší územní celky:
Lower Territorial Units:
Kashmir, Punjab, Rajputana, Northwestern Provincies and Oudh, Central India, Lower Bengal, Lower Burma Kashmir, Punjab, Rajputana, Northwestern Provincies and Oudh, Central India, Lower Bengal, Lower Burma
Kalkata Calcutta
Počet měst a obcí:
Density of Cities and Municipalities:
- km2 - mi2
Elevation Extremes:
Nejvyšší bod:
Highest Point:
- -
Nejnižší bod:
Lowest Point:
- -
Sousední územní celky:
Neighbouring Territorial Units:
North-Western Provinces 1), Baluchistan, Bombayská presidencia, Madraská presidencia, Čína , Nepal , Bhutan , Upper Burma, Siam , Japonsko 2) North-Western Provinces 1), Baluchistan, Bombay Presidency, Madras Presidency, China , Nepal , Bhutan , Upper Burma, Siam , Japan 2)
Coat of Arms:
1) do 1831
2) 1942-1945
1) to 1831
2) 1942-1945

URL : Verze : 1

Bengalská armádaBengal Army

Regulérne pešie plukyInfantry Regular Regiments
1. Bengalští (Evropští) střelci1st Bengal (European) Fusiliers
2. Bengalští (Evropští) střelci2nd Bengal (European) Fusiliers
3. Bengalská (Evropská) lehká pěchota3rd Bengal (European) Light Infantry
4. Bengalský Evropský pluk4th Bengal European Regiment
5. Bengalský Evropský pluk5th Bengal European Regiment
6. Bengalský Evropský pluk6th Bengal European Regiment
1st Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
2nd Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
3rd Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
4th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
5th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
6th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
7th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
8th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
9th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
10th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
11th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
12th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
13th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
14th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
15th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
16th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
17th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
18th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
19th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
20th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
21st Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
22nd Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
23rd Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
24th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
25th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
26th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
27th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
28th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
29th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
30th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
31st Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
32nd Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
33rd Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
34th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
35th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
36th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
37th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
38th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
39th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
40th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
41st Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
42nd Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
43rd Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
44th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
45th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
46th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
47th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
48th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
49th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
50th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
51st Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
52nd Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
53rd Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
54th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
55th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
56th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
57th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
58th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
59th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
60th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
61st Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
62nd Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
63rd Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
64th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
65th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
66th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
67th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
68th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
69th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
70th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
71st Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
72nd Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
73rd Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
74th Regiment of Bengal Native Infantry
Neregulérne jenotkyIrregular units
The Alipore Regiment
The Ramgarh Light Infantry
3rd Local Battalion
The Sirmoor Rifle Regiment
The Kamaoon Battalion
1st Assam Light Infantry
11th Sylhet Local Light Infantry
The Mhairwara Battalion
2nd Assam Light Infantry
Joudpore Legion
Oudh Irregular Force
Narbudda Sebundy Corps
Shekhawati Battalion
Harianna Light Infantry
Regiment of Khelat-i-Gilzie
Malwa Bheel Corps
Kotah Contingent
Mehidpore Contingent
Gwalior Contingent
Malwa Contingent
Bhopal Contingent
Regiment of Ferozepore
Regiment of Ludhiana
Camel Corps
Nusseree Battalion
Nagpore Irregular Force
Deoli Irregular Force
Regiment of Lucknow
Mhair Regiment
Kamroop Regiment
Landhoor Rangers
Kuppurthala Contingent
1st Gwalior Regiment
2nd Gwalior Regiment
Allahabad Levy
Shahjehanpur Levy
Cawnpore Levy
Fatehgarh Levy
Moradabad Levy
Mynpoorie Levy
Sealkote Infantry Levy
Bareilly Levy
Goojramwallah Levy
Meerut Levy
Kumaon Levy
Agra Levy
Cole and Sonthal Levy
Rajpoot Levy
Loyal Purbeah Regiment
Corps of Guides, Punjab Irregular Force
1st Sikh Infantry Regiment of the Punjab Irregular Force
2nd Sikh Infantry Regiment of the Punjab Irregular Force
3rd Sikh Infantry Regiment of the Punjab Irregular Force
4th Sikh Infantry Regiment of the Punjab Irregular Force
1st Punjab Infantry Regiment of the Punjab Irregular Force
2nd Punjab Infantry Regiment of the Punjab Irregular Force
3rd Punjab Infantry Regiment of the Punjab Irregular Force
4th Punjab Infantry Regiment of the Punjab Irregular Force
5th Punjab Infantry Regiment of the Punjab Irregular Force
6th Punjab Infantry Regiment of the Punjab Irregular Force
7th Punjab Infantry
8th Punjab Infantry
9th Punjab Infantry
10th Punjab Infantry
11th Punjab Infantry
12th Punjab Infantry
13th Punjab Infantry
14th Punjab Infantry
15th Punjab Engineers
16th Punjab Infantry
17th Punjab Infantry
18th Punjab Infantry
19th Punjab Infantry
20th Punjab Infantry
21st Punjab Infantry
22nd Punjab Infantry
23rd Punjab Infantry
24th Punjab Engineers


Regulérne pluky kavalerieRegular Cavalry regiments
Governor General's Bodyguard
1st Bengal Light Cavalry Regiment
2nd Bengal Light Cavalry Regiment
3rd Bengal Light Cavalry Regiment
4th Bengal Light Cavalry Regiment
5th Bengal Light Cavalry Regiment
6th Bengal Light Cavalry Regiment
7th Bengal Light Cavalry Regiment
8th Bengal Light Cavalry Regiment
9th Bengal Light Cavalry Regiment
10th Bengal Light Cavalry Regiment
1st Bengal European Light Cavalry Regiment
2nd Bengal European Light Cavalry Regiment
3rd Bengal European Light Cavalry Regiment
4th Bengal European Light Cavalry Regiment
Neregulérne jednotky kavalerieIrregular cavalry units
1st Irregular Cavalry (Skinner's Horse)
2nd Irregular Cavalry Regiments
3rd Irregular Cavalry Regiments
4th Irregular Cavalry Regiments
5th Irregular Cavalry Regiments
6th Irregular Cavalry Regiments
7th Irregular Cavalry Regiments
8th Irregular Cavalry Regiments
9th Irregular Cavalry Regiments
10th Irregular Cavalry Regiments
11th Irregular Cavalry Regiments
12th Irregular Cavalry Regiments
13th Irregular Cavalry Regiments
14th Irregular Cavalry Regiments
15th Irregular Cavalry Regiments
16th Irregular Cavalry Regiments
17th Irregular Cavalry Regiments
18th Irregular Cavalry Regiments
Jodhpore Legion Cavalry
Bundelkhand Legion Cavalry
Gwalior Contingent Cavalry
Kotah Contingent Cavalry
Bhopal Contingent Cavalry
United Malwa Contingent Cavalry
Ramgarh Irregular Cavalry
Nagpore Irregular Cavalry
1st Oudh Irregular Cavalry Regiment
2nd Oudh Irregular Cavalry Regiment
3rd Oudh Irregular Cavalry Regiment
1st Regiment of Hodson's Horse
2nd Regiment of Hodson's Horse
3rd Regiment of Hodson's Horse
1st Sikh Irregular Cavalry Regiment
2nd Sikh Irregular Cavalry Regiment
3rd Sikh Irregular Cavalry Regiment
4th Sikh Irregular Cavalry Regiment
The Jat Horse Yeomanry
Rohilkhand Horse
The Muttra Horse
Alexander's Horse
Barrow's Volunteers
Behar Irregular Cavalry
Belooch Horse
Benares Horse
Bengal Yeomanry Cavalry
Calcutta Volunteer Guards
De Kantzow's Irregular Cavalry
Graham's Horse
2nd Gwalior Cavalry
2nd Gwalior Mahratta Horse
H.H. The Guicowar's Horse
Jackson's Volunteer Horse
Jellandhar Cavalry
Lahore Light Horse
1st Mahratta Horse
Meerut Light Horse
Peshawar Light Horse
Rajghazi Volunteer Cavalry
The Volunteer Cavalry
Lind's and Cureton's Risalahs of Pathan Horse
2nd Mahratta Horse
Fane's Horse
The Corps of Guides, Punjab Irregular Force
1st Regiment of Cavalry of the Punjab Irregular Force
2nd Regiment of Cavalry of the Punjab Irregular Force
3rd Regiment of Cavalry of the Punjab Irregular Force
4th Regiment of Cavalry of the Punjab Irregular Force
5th Regiment of Cavalry of the Punjab Irregular Force


Bengalské jazdné delostrelectvoBengal Horse Artillery
1st Troop, Bengal Horse Artillery
2nd Troop, Bengal Horse Artillery
3rd Troop, Bengal Horse Artillery
Shah Sujah's Troop, Bengal Horse Artillery
The Rocket Troop, Bengal Horse Artillery
*jednotky horeuvedené boli absorbované Královským jazdným delostrelectvom a stali sa súčasťou Britskej armády po projatí zákona o Indii 1858 The unites above were absorbed into the Royal Horse Artillery after the passing of the provisions of the Government of India Act 1858, becoming part of the British Army
Bengalské Evropské pešie delostrelectvoBengal European Foot Artillery
Bengalské domorodé pešie delostrelectvoBengal Native Foot Artillery
5 Company, 3rd Battalion, Bengal Artillery
Punjabské jazdné delostrelectvo, Punjabských neregulérnych sil Punjab Horse Artillery, Punjab Irregular Force


The Corps of Bengal Sappers and Miners
The Sebundy Sappers and Miners
1st Bengal Military Police Battalion
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