2002 / Special Issue

Historie a vojenství

Obsah čísla:
Klučina, Petr: Mercenaries - A New Element in the Organisation of Feudal Armies in the 12 - 14 Centuries (6-16)
Holeček, František J.: The Plan of the Rohan Infantry Regiment for the Defence of the Aosta Valley and Occupation of the St. Bernard Pass of June 1799 (17-51)
Romaňák, Andrej: Marshall J. W. Radetzsky´s Thoughts and Views on Military Policy (52-72)
Pazdera, David: The Mobilisation of 1914 as the First Step on the Road to theCreation of the Soldier of the Great War (73-98)
Maršálek, Zdenko: Mobile Formations in the Annual Manoeuvres of the Czechoslovak Army in 1937 (99-134)
Rajlich, Jiří: Fighter Squadron 13 of the Slovak Air Arms on the Eastern Front, 1942-1943 (135-166)
Pilát, Vladimír: The First Group of Czechoslovak Military Doctors in the Korean War (167-198)
Šedivý, Ivan: Czech Military Historiography 1989-2002. Themes, Methods, People, Problems, Contexts (199-246)
URL : https://www.valka.cz/2002-Special-Issue-t79465#291721 Verze : 0
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