Thank you!


Thank you both for the information about this rifle. It appears I have also posted a Ng30 in the wrong place, could you explain to me where to post weapons pictures? I have a G41m and svt38 I would like to post but want to put them in a correct location.

Again many thanks!


ps. is this a free website???
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Hello Hessian, I′ll try to be your guide...

1. Click to "Union Jack" - majority of buttons will be switched to internationally understandable form (hope you have it already done)...
2. Find the thread you want to add your post and scroll down
and click to "Post Reply" button
3. Write your post (it is necessary to write something at least) and you can add pics or other file (Word, Excel, ...) now.
4. To add pics click to "Add an Attachment" button - it will unpack some more buttons...
5. Click to "Procházet" button (might be this button will appear as "Browse") - you will chose the file and then add it ... as usual
6. Click to "Add Attachment" (NOT the same button as in step 4.) and wait... Attach files in degressive order (5 4 3 2 1) and they then will appear as 1 2 3 4 5, number of attachments is limited to 20? in one post, may happen you will be requested to size them down...
7. Click "Submit" button and wait - your post will be sent and it will appear on the screen later...

For your quick orientation,
there is a thread on SVT-38:

there is a thread on G-41(M) created especially for you:
Follow the steps above.

P.S. Yes, it is a free website - but certainly we are grateful for any contribution (see the PayPal buttons above)
URL : Verze : 0
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